How Smartcomm Supports Sustainability Goals
We all know how important it is to have high environmental and sustainability standards wherever possible. We believe our comprehensive, tailored service program can be a key component in helping our clients achieve their sustainability goals in the following ways:
1) Regular maintenance, updates and repairs keeps equipment running better for longer. This minimises downtime and by slowing down the need to replace equipment, it also reduces waste and landfill.
2) Our van tracking app is connected to our VNOC, helping us send the nearest available engineers to any call outs. This improved efficiency decreases the number of journeys taken by our engineers in their vans, cutting pollution and minimising system downtime. Currently all Smartcomm vans comply with ULEZ/CAT-6 rated standards, though we are looking to move to hybrid and electric vehicle usage where possible.
3) We offer a remote diagnostic and repair service which is available to clients. This system remotely, automatically, and proactively assesses, flags, and repairs any potential issues with our client’s systems before they become faults and cause downtime. This effectively lessens the number of journeys required by our engineers. Apart from the reduction in pollution, it also helps systems run better for longer which slows down the need for replacement which impacts landfill.
4) We work with manufacturers, like Sharp to offer repair and refurbishment opportunities for equipment, rather than simply replacing. We also have our own workshop where we can repair and test equipment. This helps us provide the greatest possible added value whilst helping our customers to achieve their sustainability targets and cut unnecessary waste and cost.
5) Our Service Level Agreements are tailored to deliver the right level of support required. We offer the flexibility to adjust to requirements, so resource is never wasted. We can deliver our service world-wide through our network of approved operators. This supports the local economy, takes advantage of local knowledge, and decreases travel and system downtime.
Smartcomm supports sustainability even after the project is complete, by ensuring our customers enjoy the best possible experience over the lifetime of their solutions while reducing environmental impact.
Contact us for more information and to find out how Smartcomm Service, Support and Managed Services can help your company achieve its sustainability targets.
You can read more about sustainability practices and the work we do here, or you can contact us for more information.
If you are interested in finding out more about our projects, please click here to go to our case study pages.