At Smartcomm, we don’t take safety at work lightly. Smartcomm successfully renewed its Safecontractor accreditation in November 2016, for the fifth consecutive year, marking the high standard of health and safety management that the company insists on throughout the delivery of its cutting-edge audio-visual installations. Safecontractor is one of the premier safety accreditations and is part of Safety Schemes in Procurement (SSIP), a scheme which was introduced to reduce bureaucracy in pre-qualification process for contractors such as Smartcomm whilst providing clients with reassurance that we comply with regulatory obligations and industry best practice. Over the past 5 years, Smartcomm has gained considerable benefit from this accreditation, which is recognised by clients across a broad cross-section of our client-base including Briggs & Forrester, NG Bailey, Interserve, and Rolls Royce plc.
We are proud to sport the new, up- to- date Safe Contractor logo. If you would like to know more about Health and Safety at Smartcomm, please get in touch.