With lockdown easing, data suggests organisations will be moving to a new normal way of working. A recent global study by JLL (2020) revealed that 74% of employees feel a need to get back in the workplace, despite the many advantages of working from home.
Team Advantage
The office, or work place, has been identified as the preferred location for collaboration, issue resolution, learning and development, team building, management support and complex tasks. It is also a source of information – both direct and indirect such as adhoc meetings and office conversation – which help employees feel connected and aware of what is going on around them. Going to work outside the home can also bring the mental stimulus and concentration, obtained by working in a new environment. Plus being able to leave the office, or work space, at the end of the day makes it easier to relax after work.
Best of Both Worlds
In another survey Slack found that 72% of employees want a ‘hybrid’ arrangement going forward, involving both remote and in-office work. Combining this data with the current, and possible, future travel restrictions, show just how on point organisations need to be with their unified communications, video conferencing and multiuser, virtual collaboration tools.
Increased home working also highlights how important home offices (or home office areas) are too, in terms of connectivity, functionality, usability and flexibility. Solutions need to deliver the required level of professional clarity in video conferences, meetings and when collaborating virtually with colleagues and clients.
Realising the dream
How to achieve the optimal solution for your organisation or home office can feel daunting, as there is a vast array of AV options and price points. OUR TIP: Work out what you want the technology to do. We always start by understanding end user needs, usage, requirements and situation when designing and/or recommending solutions. When you understand what you want to achieve with your technology, you can start creating a solution that will deliver it. While there are usually systems and solutions readily available, there have been times where we have had to design completely bespoke solutions for specific requirements.
If this article resonates with you and you feel you would like some advice on preparing your organisation or home office for a new normal way of working, please get in touch for a free consultation with one of our experts. If you are interested in finding out more about our projects, please click here to go to our case study pages.