Sensors are a critical component in AV and are used in all sorts of capacity from room management to conferencing as they can monitor a variety of elements from air quality to occupancy. So, we thought it would be beneficial to take a look at the key component, the MEMS. MEMS stands for micro-electro-mechanical system although it can be known as microsystems technology (MST) too.
MEMS are effectively tiny basic sensors able to detect and measure things like pressure, motion, gas, or light, depending on their design.
What are they made from?
Modern MEMS are made from thin silicon disks called wafers. They may be small but to meet the high functional requirements, production is a multi-stage, high precision process involving hundreds of steps. As part of this process, a photolithographic layer is etched to produce the structures of the base design, depending on what needs to be measured. Electrodes and moving parts are then formed from metallic or polymer layers, as required.
Benefits of MEMS
MEMS are small, light, rugged, durable, reliable and operate with extreme sensitivity and great precision. This means they can be installed in small devices, and in relatively large numbers. This allows the monitoring of a number of distinct factors by a single device. Their low power consumption extends battery life and enables wireless applications.
A regular MEMS sensor works by detecting mechanical, magnetic, or even chemical changes and converting them into electrical information. It amplifies, digitises and sends the data to a host processor. The software running on the host will decide what the measurements mean and resolve them into actions. However, as with most platforms, AI is transforming MEMS sensor capabilities and potential. When MEMS sensors are combined with AI in a device, it allows the instant evaluation of any measurements taken which then instigates the follow up action. This can be something like automatically changing a hotel room’s lights and HVAC once information about the occupancy, temperature and light has been disseminated. Or signalling the occupancy of workspace to staff and adjusting the HVAC and lighting to optimise energy use and comfort.
These benefits have made MEMS a critical component as they enable many essential functions in the AV sector such as occupancy sensors, lighting, automated ambient control etc. They are helping transform both residential and commercial real estate in terms of efficiency, functionality, sustainability benefits and space optimisation. MEMS sensors have helped the sensor range evolve from simple, basic units to sophisticated, high-performance complex products. When combined with AI-driven edge processing, seamless wireless integration, and energy harvesting technologies, this trend is set to continue.
Are you interested in seeing how sensors can improve your work or living environment? Would you like to know more about the benefits available in terms of sustainability, efficiency and functionality? Our team can help. Contact us to arrange a free, no obligation chat with one of our experts. They will be able to help you with any of our services. You can contact us here.