As part of our Sustainability and Environmental activities, we look to provide opportunities within our local communities and beyond. One of the opportunities we offer are work experience days. Local student, Yadursan, took us up on our offer and gave us his perspective on his day with us. We hope it will encourage more students to come forward and more companies to offer work experience days:
Would you recommend doing a work experience day to other students?
I would definitely recommend a work experience day to other students. This opportunity has given me an insight to a regular day at an office. I think this experience could be very beneficial for those who aren’t entirely sure what they want to do in the future and those who could be interested in an office-based career. It can help increase your knowledge in this field.
Was there anything surprising about the day?
Something that surprised me about the day was I was expecting less analysis and more creative activities.
What have you enjoyed most about the day?
I spent part of the day working on a spreadsheet, analysing trends with Smartcomm’s online posts. It was interesting to see which types of posts gain the most engagements compared to posts that do not get as much engagement. It has shown me how much social media can benefit a business, being active online and engaging with a community helps grow their social presence as well as introduce new customers to the business’ services. I also wrote this article and helped post it to the website, being mindful of the factors affecting SEO such as keyphrase density and meta description.
Do you feel you have learned anything today?
I have learnt a lot from today. This placement has introduced me to an office environment, which I have never been in before, I’ve also learned about the marketing within Smartcomm. Another thing I’ve learned is using Excel, as it isn’t a software I’ve had to use before.
What advice would you give to other students?
One main piece of advice I would give is to be open minded, don’t go into anything expecting something specific and always be open to experiencing something new.
If you would like to know more or want to be considered for a work experience day, please get in touch. If you are interested in working for us full time, you can go to our careers page to check out open opportunities at Smartcomm.
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